To Find and Reach Surgeons, Patients Need a Dedicated Healthcare Platform

Surgeries are common. About 313 million surgical procedures a year are performed worldwide. But for many us, going under the knife is a big decision. We need answers to several questions before making up our mind to undergo a surgery.

Do I really need surgery ? Is the diagnosis right ? Who is the right surgeon ? What is the cost of surgery ? Which is the right hospital ? Which is the right destination ? ……….and so on.

To find answers, we randomly search for surgeons or hospitals online. We try to get multiple medical opinions, cost estimates and other relevant information. For doing this, we repeatedly share our personal and medical information on different platforms and websites. After this, we follow-up with them for the necessary information. Now this can be a very long, cumbersome, repetitive and not so reliable process. At times we may seek opinions from those who are not qualified enough to give medical opinions. When it comes to surgery, the right people to give us opinions are the qualified and experienced surgeons. Hence finding the right surgeons is the first and most important step. Now, since there is information gap and also misinformation in healthcare market, finding specialist surgeons is a big challenge.

As patients, we need an easier way to find surgeons and get their opinions before deciding to undergo a surgery or choose a surgeon for surgery. We should be able to independently find surgeons, avail medical opinions from multiple surgeons and then choose a surgeon for surgery. Further our options should not be limited to a particular city or country. It may happen so that, a better option may exist beyond boundaries. As patients we want right information and more options to feel empowered.

As patients, we need an easier way to find surgeons and get their opinions before deciding to undergo a surgery or choose a surgeon for surgery. We should be able to independently find surgeons, avail medical opinions from multiple surgeons and then choose a surgeon for surgery. Further our options should not be limited to a particular city or country. It may happen so that, a better option may exist beyond boundaries. As patients we want right information and more options to feel empowered.

Today, for buying various products , there are many e-commerce platforms where we can get detailed information on the products with different brands. Based on such information we can do a comparison before buying a product of a particular brand. Our decision is based on complete information and comparison. Can similar experience be created in healthcare where we can feel empowered to directly find and choose our surgeon ?

Hinfoways is making it easy for patients to find specialist surgeons. It is a single platform to find specialist surgeons from different specialties, hospitals and destinations. Patients need not visit hundred different websites and share their medical information and reports repeatedly. On Hinfoways they can upload their medical reports only once and share them with multiple specialist surgeons at one go.

On Hinfoways it is not just about finding and choosing a specialist surgeon. It goes beyond it. Going forward, Hinfoways would be adding more and more specialist surgeons from different locations and countries. It would be connecting patients and specialist surgeons at many geographical locations, making it a global platform so that there would be no boundaries for accessing safe and quality surgical care. This would create more options for the patients.

We at Hinfoways believe that by just working towards bridging the information gap and helping patients to know their options, we can address some of the big healthcare challenges in the long run.

Find specialist surgeons from different specialties, hospitals and destinations on one platform, Hinfoways.

Disclaimer: The content provided here is meant for general informational purposes only and hence SHOULD NOT be relied upon as a substitute for sound professional medical advice, care or evaluation by a qualified doctor/physician or other relevantly qualified healthcare provider.